Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh. I Just Graduated.... No Big Deal....

SOO..... I can't believe I can finally say this, but I officially have a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education! I graduated on Friday, December 14, 2012 from Brigham Young University Idaho. I have had an incredible time at this university, and have learned and grown so much. I absolutely love to teach. I cannot wait until I have a classroom of my own. I feel so blessed to be able to work with so many amazing young kids. They have truly changed my life for the best. Also I was given the chance to speak at my graduation for the Teacher Education Department. Here is a video of my speech. Thanks, Kim, for taking a video of it!

Here are some pictures of the big day!

And here is my favorite photo. I love my wonderful, supportive husband! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gingerbread Houses 2012

Thanks to my mom, my friends and I were able to have a fun night decorating ginger bread houses! Each couple made a house together. Here are some pics of our night! 

Spencer and Molly :) 

Becca and Stu :) 

Bryce and Me :)

Bryce and I decided to go with a manger scene this year. I know it is difficult to tell from this picture, but there is Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, 2 shepherds, and two sheep :) It was fun! 

Here is Becca and Stu's Christmas Cottage. 

This last one is Spencer and Molly's Cozy Cabin :) 

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Spirit of Christmas

Bryce took some of the bible videos and put them together and put music in the background. And then he added a thought by President Monson at the end. I love it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Hobo Halloween

Although Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, it is kinda fun and random and we enjoyed celebrating it this year. We even got our very first trick-or-treaters this year! We carved pumpkins with some friends this year, including Becca and Stu. Here are our final products! 

We also made a trip over to the Haunted Mill. It is actually a pretty good spook house. Here we are being super scared before we got started! 

Finally all the teachers at Discovery Elementary dressed up for Halloween also. I decided to be a homeless person with a specialized sign. Everyone, surprisingly, thought it was super funny. I even had kids throwing me candy when they passed me in the hallways! This is definitely a teacher Halloween costume I will remember for the future! 

From 1983 Until Now....

My whole life growing up, my family never had a single family photo. In fact, until about 2 years ago, the most recent family photo we had was taken in like... 1983.... when my two sisters were super little... 7 years before I was born. I always found it very depressing seeing that my brother and I never made it into a family photo. Well a couple years ago we finally got our first family photo. IT WAS SO EXCITING! However.... within the last year we have gone from one married kid to 4 married kids, and going from 2 grandchildren to 4 grandchildren.... adding 5 people to our family. SO, we thought we would get another family photo, adding Matt, Kylee, Blake, Rachel, and Bryce. The pictures turned out great! 

We also took some individual family photos... 

Us being our normal, weird selves.... 

Oh there's a normal one :) 

Temple to Temple... Again!

For the last few years, I have had a blast doing the Temple to Temple Relay with friends up here at BYU-Idaho. It is such a fun relay from the Rexburg Temple to the Idaho Falls Temple. Here is a picture of our team this year! (minus Spencer and Molly... they had to leave early)

A New Addition!

Sooo... I absolutely love being an aunt. My nieces and nephews are SOOOO cool! We have added a new addition to our family this summer. My sister, Mandi, had an adorable baby boy. His name is Blake. I haven't had much time to see him/hold him/get to know him, but I already know that I love him! Here is a picture I made with both of my nephews and both of my nieces. From left to right, we have Hailey, Tanner, Blake, and Kylee. Such adorable kids! 

For Your Enjoyment :)

Here is just an peek into the average, every-day lives of Beki and Bryce Call.... 

Grandma and Grandpa

I absolutely love my amazing grandparents. I look up to them so much. They are the perfect example of love and sacrifice. I have learned a ton from them. This summer we had the chance to celebrate my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary and my grandpa's 80th birthday with all of my family. We celebrated with a delicious lunch and fun activities at a park. I love my family! Here is a way cool photo that Jennifer Bradley took for us. I love it! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

One Year Later :)

Pretend I posted this on September 1, 2012. Okay.... so..... Life is SOOO good! It has been a while since I have blogged, because I have just been soooo busy! Student teaching, 2 jobs, soccer, primary teacher.... holy cow! Where is the time to blog? But here is one I should have blogged a while ago.

I have spent the last year and a couple months being married to my best friend in the whole world. We have already had an amazing time learning more about each other, starting new traditions, and just having a blast together! Being married rocks. I highly suggest it to anybody who is debating. Anyway. For our anniversary, we spent some time in Salt Lake City just enjoying the city and doing free/cheap things together. It was a blast!

This was a pinterest inspired photo. Next anniversary we will take a picture of us holding this picture... and so on and so forth until there is a picture within a picture within a picture... does that make sense? Yah.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Good TIme

Unfortunately some of our lip sync videos got deleted... but here is our most recent... featuring Gavin!

Stuart and Rebekah.... CARSON!

Some of our favorite people EVER just got married! We are so excited for them. Stuart and Rebekah and Bryce and I have been super close friends ever since early on in high school. We have had some incredibly fun and memorable experiences with them, and are so happy that we will get to continue those memories. They are amazing people. We love them so much! We had the chance to go down to the Salt Lake City Temple to be there for their sealing. Here is some pictures from that.

Just coming out of the temple!

We even got to see Kyli there! 

The boys... I wasn't fast enough to get a good picture...

Best friends forever! 

A Little Less Threatening...

Bryce's and my favorite comedian is Demetri Martin. We have always loved quoting him, and has brought a lot of humorous situations into our lives.

One of his jokes is about flowers. "I think it's weird that when you give someone flowers you're really saying 'Here you go, now watch these die--'cuz I like you.' I feel like you should give someone flowers when you wanna threaten them. 'Here--you're next. Better put your feet in water, 'cuz I'm comin' for you."

It totally loses its effect when you have to read it. It doesn't seem nearly as funny when you don't hear it. But anyway, when I came home from my first day of student teaching, I walked in the door and Bryce came running up to me with the cutest little cactus in his hands.

He proceded to tell me the he went to go buy me flowers for my first day... but then he realized that he didn't want to seem threatening. He thought that this cactus was a little less threatening. 

I love my husband! And I love my "a little less threatening" cactus!

Grandma Ruth's 80th Birthday

This summer was also Bryce's grandma's 80th birthday. It was a HUGE surprise for her. It even brought her to tears when she walked in the door. She had all her kids there, all of her grandkids were there, and all of her great grandkids were there. It was amazing! It was so fun to honor this wonderful lady on her birthday. We love you grandma Ruth! 

Happy Anniversary!

This summer all of my family got together to celebrate my grandpa's 80th birthday, and my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. They are such incredible people, and I am so blessed to be part of their family. They are such good examples. I love them so much! I have always loved going to their home and visiting with them. If I can be anything like them in 60 years, I will definitely consider myself lucky. I love them so much! Happy 60th anniversary grandma and grandpa! 

Our First Visitors!

Brett and Kaela came and visited us in July. It was so fun to be able to share our home with them and catch up. They weren't here for long, but we did get to go up and visit the temple with them. We love you guys! 

Fourth of July

So.... sorry it has been forever since I have blogged. For some reason I feel like I can't blog when I don't have pictures... and then I have been super busy.... but long story short, I am trying to catch up. SOOO.... back to the 4th of July! 

This has been one of my favorite fourth of July's ever! It was so fun because I had the privilege of sharing it with some fun friends and awesome family. Plus... we got to see the absolute best firework show EVER! Melaluca sponsored the Idaho Falls firework show this year, and they donated over a million dollars to put toward the fireworks. CRAZY! It was amazing and beautiful. Bryce and I hung out with our friends for a bit, and then Kim, Matt and Kylee joined us a little later. Bryce and I got them a super good parking spot, by the way. We sat in a close one for 45 minutes so that they wouldn't have to walk far. It was fun fending off the cars driving by! 

Well here are a couple photos from the event. It was so fun! 

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Miracle Window

It is funny how Heavenly Father answers your prayers sometimes. Sometimes He answers your prayers directly.  Like you get a feeling right away while you are on your knees that answers your question. Sometimes He answers your prayers through other people. Like the other day was a miserable day for me, and then someone in my ward randomly dropped off cupcakes at my door because she felt prompted to do so. (It made my day 1,000 times better.) Other times He answers your prayers randomly... in ways you might have never thought. 

When Bryce and I first moved into our apartment, we ran into a problem. Our couch would not fit through the front door. The couch was too long, the ceiling was too low, and, even after taking the door off, we didn't have enough room to push it through and turn it. 
We thought for a few minutes about what to do.

The way I saw it, we had three options:

(1) saw our couch in half. 
(2) send the couch home with dad and buy a new one. 
(3) use our couch as patio furniture. 

None of those options sounded appealing. 

Suddenly my dad had the greatest idea. Since we were living on the first floor, we could just shove the couch through the window! I was nervous it wasn't going to fit. But about two minutes later our couch was sitting nicely in our living room after a simple slide through the window. I never thought I would be so grateful to live on the first floor of our apartment complex... until tonight.....

Bryce is out of town. I was bored. I decided to go get a soda from the gas station. I was back in a jiffy, went to my front door, went to unlock it, and.... only my car key was on the lanyard. My apartment key was gone. What the HECK??? Anyway. I didn't know what to do. Immediately I started to retrace my steps. I used the lego flashlight on my lanyard to search. I couldn't find it. I was getting more and more nervous. Bryce was gone. I was locked out. It was getting pretty late. 

Once again, I found myself with three options:

(1) sleep under the stairwell like a hobo. 
(2) sleep in my car like a hobo.
(3) sleep at a neighbor's a hobo. 

Once again, none of those options sounded appealing. 

So I decided to pray. I prayed that I would find my key. I prayed hard. And shed a couple tears (because I am silly like that.) As soon as I was finished praying, I GOT MY ANSWER! No. Heavenly Father didn't tell me where my key was. He didn't help me find it either. He just told me to call my dad. So that is what I did. 

You will probably guess where this is going. My dad suggested that I just crawl through the window! 


So that is exactly what I did. I felt like a criminal, but now I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. :) I am SO grateful for my dad. Thanks to him, I won't be sleeping like a hobo tonight. I am also so grateful for our first floor apartment and our miracle window. It has saved our couch and me... and it has only been three weeks! Most of all, I am grateful for Heavenly Father. He is the most creative prayer answerer ever!

Monday, June 25, 2012

That's about right.

I saw this on facebook. It's so true! I had to share.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Does this make us famous?

I am at 2:38. On the blue turf at Boise State. Yellow shirt. Right side. Bryce is just to the right of me wearing a blue shirt. My mom is just to the left of me in the white. I am so happy I was able to be a part of this awesome video! This is what Bryce and I were doing just a couple hours before he proposed to me. :) What a great day!

Packsaddle Lake

Sometimes I complain about Rexburg. "It's too cold," I say. "There is NOTHING to do," I say. But really, I am exaggerating. Yah, it is cold in the winter, and yah, sometimes it seems like a boring place, but if you just drive out of Rexburg for about 30 minutes in any direction, there are some beautiful, fun places! Like Badger Creek, for instance. Well, Bryce and I decided to go hiking, and I decided to take him to a place I went while working at Badger. It is called Packsaddle Lake. It isn't a super long hike, but it is absolutely gorgeous and the little lake is so fun! It has the COOLEST rope swing you have ever been on. I was excited to take Bryce on this little adventure!