Monday, March 29, 2010

Holi Festival of Colors

Each year, the there is celebration in East India to welcome in spring. It is called the "Festival of Colors". In Spanish Fork Utah, there is mock festival of colors each year as well, and thousands of people attend to "bring in spring"... mostly college students from BYU, Utah State, University of Utah, And Utah Valley. Anyway, my roommates and i went to the celebration last Saturday, March 27. The celebration is located at the Hindu temple there. It's a crazy and really interesting celebration. First a Hindu man preaches to you, and you chant "HARE KRISHNA" which just pretty much means "great chant" or "great prayer". And then everybody throws their paint in the air. The paint is kind of a chalky paint made with corn starch. There was so much paint that i couldn't breathe for a little bit... haha. We got COMPLETELY covered in all different colors of paint. then we all danced and chanted. It was so fun. Haha and crazy!

Me and Tanya with a guy who was holding a "hugs for peace" sign.

Me and Nicole! Love her!

The people I went with: Nikki, Nicole, Tanya, John, and me!

The next two pictures are from the internet... they are edited so that they look cool, but when we were in the group with all the people, thats what it looked like! SOOO COOL! Crowd surfers and everything!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Papa Nye!

I have the best dad in the world. And it is his birthday today! soooo... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I love him so much. He has done so much for me through out my life... like take me to and from college, and fix my car (often), and help me mow my lawns... he is always always always helping me out. I'm so glad he is my dad... I'm not sure any other dad would be able to handle me and my car/lawnmower-breaking-downness, or handle my always-losing-everythingness. When it all comes down to it, I have the best dad ever. and nobody can argue with that!

BYU-Idaho Rec Sports

One thing I have really loved while being here at BYU-Idaho is the rec sports program. I really think that this university has the best rec sports program in the nation.... not that I'm qualified to make that assumption, but still. IT'S SO MUCH FUN! Since there aren't 'real' sports at BYU-Idaho, everyone is encouraged to get involved by participating in one of the rec sports leagues. There are so many sports to choose from. Since i have been here, I have played soccer, flag football, ultimate frisbee, floor hockey, basketball, and dodgeball. In addition to these, BYU-I also offers volleyball, wrestling, soft/baseball, waterpolo, lacrosse, cheer leading, ice hockey, swimming, track/cross country... the list just goes on and on. It has been fun trying new things here! This semester, I did futsal (basically like indoor soccer), and dodgeball.

Here is my futsal team. Our team name was Kamikaze. we got 2nd place out of 30 teams!

And here is my dodgeball team. Our team name was Mem'ry X. We lost.... a lot... but it was still fun! haha.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Things I Love!

One time I sat down and wrote down all the things I love. Here is my lengthly list.

the gospel and everything about it. my mom. my dad. my sisters! my twin brother. the rest of my awesome family. *BRYCE MICHAEL CALL*. my incredible friends. music. soccer. the soccer field. running until you think you are going to puke. BYU-Idaho. missionaries. having funny dreams. camping in my back yard. waking up early. going to bed late. hiking at night. finding the perfect view. being outside. snowboarding. singing really loud in the shower and in the car. making music videos. table rock. mountain biking. wake boarding. riverboarding. sharing milkshakes. flowers. letters. seeing someone you haven't seen in forever. hugs. roasting hot dogs. the fortunes inside fortune cookies. doing the worm at dance parties. FHE families. cool quotes. adventures. having something to look forward to. puddle jumping. having everything go wrong, but knowing that everything will be alright. aspirations. never giving up. honesty. easy buttons from staples. stick shift trucks. checking the mail. flipping the month on a calendar. love. making people laugh. laughing so hard you that you start rolling around on the ground. sunrises. sunsets. doing something you thought you couldn't do. knowing that i'm never alone. mexican food. thai food. pizza. apples. orange juice. smoothies. actually, i love food in general. chuck norris jokes. engagement stories. pictures. scrapbooking. water. milk. warming up after being freezing cold. hot chocolate outside in the winter. skipping stairs. sliding down railings. brushing and flossing my teeth. reminiscing. lacrosse. ultimate frisbee. floor hockey. chick flicks. sleep overs. not caring what everyone is thinking. being myself. not wearing make up. friends that you will keep forever. not being in debt. snow angels. snow men. man friends. A's. when you hang out with random people. standing outside in thunder storms and pouring rain. concerts. waterfalls. roommates. teeth. smiles. laughs. mud. duct tape. long boards. knowing what you are going to do with the rest of your life. piano. being crazy. awkward situations. t-shirts. tie-dye. jackets. being an optimist. skydiving. working out. boise. idaho. spanish. rollie polies. puppies. mountains. rivers. the middle of nowhere. new soccer cleats. converse. beanies. finding things in common. off-roading. twins. YOU!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The BEST tacos come from a bus.....

To go along with our haunted adventures from this weekend, Carrie, Nicole, Megan, and I decided to eat dinner at the famous taco bus. IT'S SO COOL! You go inside the bus, order your food, and you get to eat inside the bus too! I got a chicken burrito. It was delicious!

Rexburg Ghost Busters!

This weekend, I felt like I was back in high school with my old group of friends, having the same kind of fun we used to have together! Carrie came up from Boise to visit for the weekend, and we decided to go on a ghost-hunting adventure. In Rexburg there is a “haunted swing” down a few miles south east of the temple. It is just a random swing on the side of the road with nothing around it. Just a swing! We wanted to be sure we could find the swing before we went there in the dark, and so Carrie and my roommates Nicole and Megan and I set off on an adventure to find the swing… and took tons of crazy pictures on the way! We found the swing, and then we looked up other “haunted places” in Rexburg and Idaho Falls. We went with a big group of people to these “haunted places” later that night. While at these places we read the stories as to why they were haunted. There are tons of crazy stories to go along with the haunted swing. My roommate Nicole and I re-enacted one version of the swing story while we were there. IT WAS SO INTENSE! Here are some pictures of us at the haunted swing, and a few random pictures of us while we were on our adventure to find it!


This semester I have been taking a snowboarding class.... SUCH A GOOD DECISION! I have had the time of my life in that class. I get to go snowboarding ever single week, and I am, like, 100 times better than I was when I first started. Here is a picture of my class (plus 3 random people who jumped in the picture), a picture of me with my snowboarding friend Alyssa, and a picture of me snowboarding (im in the air!).