Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh. I Just Graduated.... No Big Deal....

SOO..... I can't believe I can finally say this, but I officially have a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education! I graduated on Friday, December 14, 2012 from Brigham Young University Idaho. I have had an incredible time at this university, and have learned and grown so much. I absolutely love to teach. I cannot wait until I have a classroom of my own. I feel so blessed to be able to work with so many amazing young kids. They have truly changed my life for the best. Also I was given the chance to speak at my graduation for the Teacher Education Department. Here is a video of my speech. Thanks, Kim, for taking a video of it!

Here are some pictures of the big day!

And here is my favorite photo. I love my wonderful, supportive husband! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Gingerbread Houses 2012

Thanks to my mom, my friends and I were able to have a fun night decorating ginger bread houses! Each couple made a house together. Here are some pics of our night! 

Spencer and Molly :) 

Becca and Stu :) 

Bryce and Me :)

Bryce and I decided to go with a manger scene this year. I know it is difficult to tell from this picture, but there is Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, 2 shepherds, and two sheep :) It was fun! 

Here is Becca and Stu's Christmas Cottage. 

This last one is Spencer and Molly's Cozy Cabin :)