Monday, February 25, 2013

Not My Will, But Thine.

Sometimes in life, we want things that Heavenly Father doesn't really have in our plan. Sometimes we get our hopes up for things that won't happen, because Heavenly Father has a different idea for us. I learned that a little better this week.

A couple weeks ago, I was recommended by my principal and one of my college professors for a job as a 4th grade teacher. The job would have been available starting this week, due to a sudden medical retirement. Just so you know, 4th grade is my dream job. I felt like this opening was MADE for me. I had everything going for me. TONS of references, I already knew some of the kids in the class from doing my senior practicum at that school, the interview went great... he even came and observed me and that went well too! Four or five people talked to him in my behalf to basically tell him he should hire me and that I would be the one for the job.

To put it in perspective, I thought I had this job IN THE BAG! I prayed every night that things would work out. That I would receive this job offer. I really did feel good about it. I had a very peaceful feeling like the Lord knew the desires of my heart, and that He would take care of me. It was a LONG week before I would receive the phone call.

My heart was beating so fast when I answered the phone call from the principal that next week.

I was totally prepared for him to say:

"Beki we were so impressed with you! Your interview was great. You did amazing in your observation. We would love to offer you this job! What do you say?"

But the conversation turned out a little more like this:

"Beki we were so impressed with you! Your interview was great. You did amazing in your observation. However we decided to go with a different candidate."


Needless to say, I was bummed. Super bummed. I cried. A lot. I wanted this job so bad.

Anyway. A few days have passed. I have come back to my senses and have realized that the Earth is still revolving and my life hasn't ended. Heavenly Father really is taking care of me. He knows I want to be a teacher SO bad. And I know he will answer that prayer eventually. He has helped me understand that I will get a job in a classroom where the students need me, and I need my students. I need to have more faith in the Lord's will. My time will come. I mean... the fact that I have had 2 mid-year interviews is pretty crazy, and I have plenty of prospects still for the fall.

Here is to being happy! I feel so blessed to have the job that I do... Even though it is only part time, I love my students and I love the people I work with... Win Win, right? I can't wait to see what the next few months bring as far as job interviews and offers go!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ticket Miracle

To preface this story, BYU-Idaho is infamous for giving out parking tickets. You can't go in a building longer than 5 minutes without getting a ticket if you don't have a parking permit. It is amazing how ready the ticket people are to give out tickets as soon as you get out of your car.

Anyway, Monday morning, Bryce and I went to the gym. We took the Subaru like we usually do. That is our "reliable car." But when we came out (just a half hour later) I saw that I had left a light on inside the car. AND unfortunately when I tried to start it, it didn't start. :( We tried starting it for a few minutes, but nothing happened. It was weird because it really didn't seem like a dead battery to me. A few minutes after that, a man came and knocked on my window and offered to help us if we had jumper cables. We we so grateful for his offer. But, sadly, 20 minutes later, our car still wouldn't start. And the guy helping us was a mechanic! If he couldn't help us, it was hopeless. So we had to leave our car in the gym parking lot. I really didn't want to get a ticket, so I wrote this note and put it on our windshield.

I didn't really think this note would work because, like I said, BYU-Idaho is a ticket nazi. BUT IT TOTALLY WORKED! When Bryce got out of classes, he went and checked on the car, saw that there was no ticket, and surprisingly, the car started right up! We must be doing something right because that was a ticket miracle!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Team Building

Well, working with the 6th grade at Discovery Elementary School has definitely been a learning experience. A WONDERFUL learning experience, definitely, but eye opening to say the least. SO MUCH DRAMA! It is so sad, but bullying, gossiping, and lack of respect have sort of taken over the two classes. Each student is great on an individual level, but they struggle like crazy in any group setting. I won't go into detail about what really goes on in the classroom, but let me just tell you, it is crazy. I talked to my mentor teacher... the one I had as a student teacher in 4th grade at the same school. She told me that when the now 6th graders were in 4th grade (so two years ago), they were the toughest group of kids she has taught in 32 years. SO yah. It will be a good experience for me!

My mind has not stopped stewing over what I can do to help the situation. Over the weekend, it hit me.

There are two things that I love to do more than anything. That is teaching and working at the ropes course. At the ropes course (and at Badger Creek) I was trained on how to facilitate team building activities and programs. I love teaching because I feel like I can have a powerful impact and positive influence on the youth. I love team building for the same reason. Over the last few years, I have seen how team building can completely change the dynamic of a group. It can transform self-centered youth into team players and unite even the most diverse groups. Team building increases self-esteem and inspires positive change.

So this is where the gears started spinning. I sent an email out to the 6th grade teachers and to the principal of my school, offering to start an after-school team building program for the 6th grade. I explained my qualifications, even though I know they were aware that I have done team building, since the principal had previously asked me to lead a team building inservice for the faculty and staff in the fall.

THEY WERE ALL FOR IT! I was stoked! I met with the principal today to discuss how to get my ideas in motion. I can start ASAP! We also decided to expand it to the 5th grade also. So I will let you know how everything goes!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentines Day Boxes

Becca, Stuart, Bryce and I decided to make Valentine's Day Boxes. You know? Like the ones you make in elementary school to gather all the Valentine's notes and candy from your classmates? Yah. We made some of those. Bryce and I decided that every day in the month of February, until Valentines Day, we would write each other a little note and put it in each other's boxes. Then we can read them on Valentine's Day!

Here is a picture of the boxes we made... From left to right, these boxes belong to: 
Rebekah, Stuart, Bryce, and Me. 

I am excited for Valentine's Day! 

Bryce: The Master Smoothie Maker

When I was younger, I used to pride myself in the idea that I was an excellent smoothie maker. I loved to make them for my family... and I would make them all the time. Then the most traumatic thing happened. I made the usual concoction of juice, fruit, milk, ice, vanilla, sugar... etc. But for some reason, the ice just would not blend up. It remained in pretty solid chunks. But I thought, "oh well, I am sure it will still taste good." So I proceeded to serve it to my family. For some reason, the ice chunks would not even melt in our mouths, so we just kept spitting the ice chunks out into napkins. Thats when it hit me. The chunks we were spitting out wasn't ice at all... it was plastic. SOLID PLASTIC CHUNKS.... from a part of the lid of the blender. Anyway. I ruined the blender and produced a disgusting smoothie. Ever since then, I haven't had much desire to make smoothies. 
But I still crave them ALL THE TIME! 

The good news is that I married an EXCELLENT smoothie maker. The master of smoothies, even. Bryce can make super quick, super simple, super healthy smoothies with our magic bullet. 
Here is a picture of the ingredients Bryce uses:

Yep. Thats right. Three ingredients. Milk, Yogurt, Fruit. 

What we do is buy bags of frozen fruit (we usually get strawberries, mangos, and mixed berries). 
Then we put all the fruit in a bowl and mix it up. Then we put about 2 handfuls of fruit in sandwich ziploc bags and put them back in the freezer. Then they are all ready for us to make quick smoothies when we come home from our workouts in the mornings... Because that is what I always want the most after a good workout.

Anyway, if you want a delicious smoothie with no extra sugar added, try this one in your magic bullet! It makes a yummy breakfast! 

Friday, February 1, 2013


Here is the snowman we just built... I think he turned out pretty well! This is actually the first snowman Bryce and I have made together... ever.