
I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this section, I will share with you my testimony. I will add to it often. You can also view my mormon.org profile at: http://mormon.org/me/9N1X

April 3, 2013

I know that the Savior died for our iniquities, our pains, our feelings of inequality, and our afflictions. He is the one person who completely understands everything we are going through. He weeps with us during our struggles and rejoices with us during our triumphs. He is my strength. I know, also, that He was resurrected on that third day. He lives. I know it because I can feel it. What a joyous day!

May 31, 2013

I have a testimony of temples and the work that is done within their walls. Because of the temple and the ordinances that take place there, I know that I can be with my husband for eternity. My marriage is not an "until death do ye part" sort of deal. It is is forever. It is eternal. And the temple makes that possible. When I go to the temple, I feel nothing but peace and happiness. The temple is definitely a strong, deep connection between earth and heaven, and I can feel it. I am so grateful I chose to be sealed to Bryce in a temple of our Lord and Savior. I feel so many wonderful blessings that come from the covenants or promises we make in the temple. For that, I am eternally grateful.  

February 3, 2014

I truly believe that God wants us to be happy. He wants so badly for us to be happy that he gave us this gospel, and showed us the way to true happiness through the life of His son, Jesus Christ. This gospel IS happiness. I know that the Lord gives us blessings the help us be happy. I know that He also gives us our trials to help us be happy. You can't know the sweet without the bitter, right? Our trials in our life are truly blessings. I know that the trials I have had in my life are what has shaped me into the person I am today, and cannot be more grateful for those rough experiences. So, be happy! The gospel is true! Because of the Atonement, we can be repent and perfected, and become more like Christ, our Savior. So, smile! This is the gospel of happiness! 

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