Wednesday, December 21, 2011


"All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother"..... literally. My angel mother. Read this article. It was published in Deseret News by a family friend.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh... OKAY!!!!

So I decided that I eat too much out of habit. When I eat... I'm not always hungry. So I decided to tape this sign to the fridge.

A minute later, I realized that my funny husband had modified my angry letter.....

So much for that, I guess....

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Light CONTEST!!!

Bryce and I invited our friends/neighbors Billy and Charlotte to come with us and look at Christmas lights around Rexburg. We wanted to make it a little different than a normal Christmas light evening, so we decided to make it a competition. We gave a prize to the first and second place. As it turns out, Rexburg isn't super into the whole "decorate for Christmas" thing.... There weren't many options to choose from. But i think from now on, people will be more motivated to decorate, because word will get around about our prestigious competition we throw! Bryce and I had SOOOOO much fun doing this!

This is Billy and Charlotte. They are so awesome!

These are the prizes we gave out. My mom helped me make these. So cute!

This house won 2nd prize. When we knocked on the door and gave them their prize, they were thrilled!! They invited us in, gave us chocolate, and asked us all about our lives. It was precious.

This house won 1st prize. An old lady lived by herself at this home. She loved the tradition we were starting. She proceeded to tell us all about the history of her Christmas lights. I won't tell the story on here because it would take forever. But it was fun talking to her!

Then we came back to our apartment and had hot chocolate and apple cider, and we watched a movie:)

I am so happy the Bryce and I established our first family Christmas tradition together. I am excited to continue this fun tradition!

I'm a Loser.

I am a loser. No, literally. I am a loser. A chronic loser. I LOSE EVERYTHING!!!!! ALL THE TIME!!! I think it runs in my family though..... I vaguely remember my sister Mandi writing a similar blog post recently... Anyway. I'm not joking though. Since Thanksgiving, I have lost my iPod, my cell phone, and my wallet. THANKFULLY.... They have all been found. (Ps... this definitely isn't the first time this has happened.... it has pretty much happened my whole life.)

First of all... my iPod. I left at church. Someone found it while cleaning the church the next Saturday.
Second... I lost my cell phone. I left it in devotional last Tuesday. I went later that night while they were cleaning, and claimed my iPod from the lost and found.
On Thursday, I lost my wallet. I left it where I was sitting in the Smith building when I was waiting for Bryce to get out of class. I realized I left it about 10 minutes later, but by that time it was already gone, and the lost and found was already closed. Thankfully the next evening, the office in the Smith building called and told me they had my wallet.
When I was telling my mom all of this, she was very concerned. She believes that maybe Heavenly Father is trying to teach me a lesson so that I can maybe screw my head on right before I lose something even more important... aka a child.....

Anyway. I hope this trend doesn't continue.... I am bound and determined to screw my head on right!!!

Christmas Sleep Over

When I was little, I always wanted to sleep next to the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. I always got this warm fuzzy, relaxing, special, holiday feeling when I would see the tree in our living room as a child. There was something magical about having the Christmas tree up. Of course, though, we were never aloud to sleep in the living room next to the tree, because that is where Santa would come, and we had to wait until morning to see what he brought us. Anyway, yesterday I was looking at our tree in our little apartment, and I told Bryce that I wanted to sleep in the living room next to the tree. SO WE DID!!!!!! We took the cushions off the couch, and made a nice bed in the living room (I'm not sure why we didn't think to just bring our mattress out....:) Anyway. We watched the movie Elf and fell asleep next to the lit up Christmas tree. It was just as magical as I always imagined it would be :) haha.... except for the Christmas Eve part.... :)

New Hair Cut!!

So the other day Bryce told me he needed a hair cut. Then I told him I needed a hair cut too. So we both got hair cuts! I cut 3 inches off my hair.... feels much better!