Wednesday, February 8, 2017


So yah! I am a stay at home mom of two of the cutest kids I know. There are good days, there are bad days, there are crazy days, and there are sad days. BUT there are mostly good days filled with perfectly imperfect moments.

Being a mom of two over the past 2 months has been really enlightening. It has taught me a lot about myself. Here are a few things I have learned about myself, if you care to know. (as well as some parentheses of random photo captions 😊 )

(Ellie asks to play in the snow every day. She brings me all her gear. So we suit up almost on a daily basis this winter!)

1. I love being a mom. 

(Ellie is so sweet with her brother... most of the time. She tries, at least. She tries by giving him animal crackers, mauling hugging him, sharing her toys. We are working on being soft, but it sure is fun seeing them together.) 

2. I never knew I could be so great at changing a diaper while nursing. I thought it was such a huge accomplishment when I did it a couple times back when Ellie was a baby. Now it is pretty much a nightly occurrence. 

(Ellie amazes me at what she eats. Because she will seriously eat anything, and will eat extra of anything healthy.)

3. I basically feel like a failure if I end the day without working out, making a healthy dinner, and keeping the house clean. I hate the feeling, and I have been assured that this does NOT make me a failure, but the feelings come anyway. I am working on this. 

(Carson just being a cute little tummy sleeper.) 

4. Leaving the house at least once a day with the kids is a MUST for me. It is kinda stressful, but it gives me a sense of accomplishment and a sense of being ALIVE. Sometimes this means going to the grocery store. Sometimes this means going for a walk around the block. Sometimes this means going to the aquarium. Sometimes this means shoveling the driveway. Simply put, it just means leave the house, no matter how far I go. 

(Yes, we were at church, but I had to snap a photo of this adorable little guy.) 

5. I can live off of 3 hours of sleep in a 48 hour period of time. Thank you insomnia and nursing baby. It is good to know, though! 

(We made one of our bedrooms into a play room for Ellie. She loves it and loves dressing up and playing with her kitchen.) 

6. I love watching TV. But if I watch TOO much TV, it makes me grumpy. And when I am grumpy, nobody is happy. So I have cut back a lot on our TV watching as of recently. This has made me much more productive and much happier. 

(this pic was taken after Carson rolled off the couch. Sad moment)

7. I am a baby hungry crazy lady. Being a mom of two just makes me want to be a mom of 3. My kids must just be that good. I love momming! 

Life is good as a mom of two! 

Head Coach

I am super excited to really take the reigns as a head soccer coach this spring for the U12 girls soccer team with Meridian United FC. I have been coaching with this club for the past year, and have been an assistant coach with these girls for the past several months. I love them and can't wait to really push them to be their best, while having a blast doing it! I love soccer.... and I love sharing my passion. It is so fun to see them learn and grow and ROCK it out on the soccer field!

Carson's Baby Blessing

Our little Carson was blessed on Sunday, January 22, 2017 by his dad. It was a beautiful blessing. I am so grateful for an amazing husband who is a worthy priesthood holder, and for God who has blessed our family with new little son.