Sunday, February 26, 2012

Eternal Valentine

I loved Valentine's Day this year! It was such a wonderful thing knowing that I was spending Valentine's Day with my eternal valentine :) We ended up celebrating Valentine's Day a few days late because of homework. We went to Famous Daves for dinner in Idaho Falls (thanks mom and dad!) and we also went sledding to celebrate!

This was my gift to Bryce. With these nerf guns, there was a tag that said:
Howdy partner! What are the chances I have a "shot" at being your Valentine?

And these beautiful flowers were Bryce's gift to me. I LOVE THEM! They are even still alive and beautiful a week later!

Duct Tape Flowers

When Bryce and I were in Pendleton last summer, our nieces taught us how to make duct tape flowers. So, the other day when Kenton told us he wanted to do something crafty with his date, we knew the perfect activity!
Here are our creations!

Here is Kenton and his date, Meredith.

A New Couch

This is the couch that Bryce and I bought before we got married. It was $150 on Craigslist. It was a nice couch, but.....

...we were super stoked when Jason and Alesha decided to get a new couch, and they told us that they would give us their old one. I WAS SO EXCITED!!! With a bunch of help from all our family members, we got it up to Rexburg just a few short weeks later. I love my new couch! It is so comfy... and it can fit all our friends on it when we have movie nights!!! :) Thanks Jason and Alesha for the couch! and Thanks Jason and Deloy for getting it to us here in Rexburg!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sometimes in Life....

Sometimes in life, people think you are someone that you are not. And sometimes in life, that person is VERY convinced that you are someone else.......

Bryce and I went to the temple this morning, and had a very funny moment as we were headed back to the dressing rooms. A temple worker couple pulled us aside, suggesting they knew Bryce. This is how the conversation went.

Man: Brother Call! Oh my, you look just like your father.

Woman: No! He looks just like his mother!

Bryce: You know my parents?

Man and Woman in unison: Yah! We are the Bragues! (their last name)

Bryce: OOOHHHH........ (he didn't recognize the name but thought they must be someone he should know...)

Man: (seeing that we weren't quite convinced that we knew them) Your dad and I worked at Provo High together.

Me: (To Bryce) Your dad was a teacher?

Bryce:.... uh.... nooo........

Man: OH YES!!! He was the orchestra director, and I was the band director....

Bryce: haha uh, I don't think that was my dad...

Man: You were just too young to remember.

Bryce: Uh, maybe....

Woman: We wanted to come to your wedding, but we couldn't make it. We were in Hawaii.

Beki: Oh fun.....( awkward pause....)

Bryce: Well, it's good to meet you!.... I'm glad we ran into each other!......

Anyway. With a smile and a wave, we left them, assuming we couldn't convince them that Bryce's dad wasn't an orchestra teacher at Provo High. Oh my goodness. Bryce and I both laughed about it all morning (and still laughing :)

Bryce called his dad to make sure he was never an orchestra teacher at Provo High, and confirmed that he didn't know anyone with the last name of Brague..... It's comical just thinking about Bryce's dad conducting an orchestra.... instead he is a computer guy at HP.... haha. This funny moment made my day!