Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lions, Tigers, Bears.... OH MY!

Mandi, Hailey, Tanner, and I took a fun trip to the zoo last Thursday! we even got to feed the giraffe!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

All My Other Mothers....

I have been so blessed to have such an amazing group of friends growing up. We were all so close to not only each other, but also to each others families. So this mothers day, Nancy and I took mother's day treats around to all of our missionary friend's mothers. Nathan's, Gavin's, and Kenton's moms weren't home, but here are the pics with the ones that were home... thanks to them for raising such incredible sons!

HuMp DaY!

May 13th was Bryce's Hump day... half way through his mission! 365 days down, 365 days to go. Bryce is.... amazing. I can tell he is an incredible missionary. I knew he would be. Right now, he is in Botswana, and is a District Leader. He is my best friend... I cant wait to see him again in May of 2011!

Bryce's sweet mother brought me a "hump day gift". She knows how much I miss her son. The elephant and giraffes represent different things, and the candy has been changed from "caramels" to "camels" for hump day.

Also to celebrate hump day, we went to camels back park and had a picnic. This day was an even better reason to celebrate than my birthday! I miss Bryce. But I know he is exactly where he needs to be for these 2 years!

13.1 miles in 2 hours and 13 minutes!

I ran a half marathon! I love the number 13, and, conveniently, that's how many miles a half marathon is! I finished in 2 hours and 13 minutes. As I looked around at all the other people who were running the half/full marathon, I realized that I was one of the youngest people to run. Its crazy that all these old people still run that many miles! So I have made it my goal to continue running... for as long as I can. This is the first of many to come! Plus, i promised Bryce that I would run a marathon with him when he got home from his mission.