Monday, March 29, 2010

Holi Festival of Colors

Each year, the there is celebration in East India to welcome in spring. It is called the "Festival of Colors". In Spanish Fork Utah, there is mock festival of colors each year as well, and thousands of people attend to "bring in spring"... mostly college students from BYU, Utah State, University of Utah, And Utah Valley. Anyway, my roommates and i went to the celebration last Saturday, March 27. The celebration is located at the Hindu temple there. It's a crazy and really interesting celebration. First a Hindu man preaches to you, and you chant "HARE KRISHNA" which just pretty much means "great chant" or "great prayer". And then everybody throws their paint in the air. The paint is kind of a chalky paint made with corn starch. There was so much paint that i couldn't breathe for a little bit... haha. We got COMPLETELY covered in all different colors of paint. then we all danced and chanted. It was so fun. Haha and crazy!

Me and Tanya with a guy who was holding a "hugs for peace" sign.

Me and Nicole! Love her!

The people I went with: Nikki, Nicole, Tanya, John, and me!

The next two pictures are from the internet... they are edited so that they look cool, but when we were in the group with all the people, thats what it looked like! SOOO COOL! Crowd surfers and everything!


  1. I am not sure I could celebrate colors that way, but sounds like fun. I think that would be fun to celebrate as a family to welcome spring, but in a much less messy way. You are awesome and hope you are having fun. Love ya

  2. I had another friend blog about doing this a few weeks ago and it sounds like a blast! Wonder if there's one here in Boise sometime... I would love to check it out! Oh, and can't wait to see your pics.

  3. This is SOOOO funny! Totally Beki. Love ya! MOm
