Friday, June 5, 2015

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I once heard that moms are just called "moms" because "multitasking ninja warrior" isn't a real job title. I just need to note this moment because just now I really lived up to the title of multitasking ninja warrior. Ellie woke up extra early this morning to eat. Please note the time below at which this was posted. As she was nursing, I could feel that her diaper was extremely saggy... It felt like half her body weight was sitting in that diaper. I was bummed because if I had to change her diaper after she was fed, it would definitely make her wake up more than I wish was necessary. So right there, as I was nursing, I made a bold decision. I decided to change Ellie's diaper while nursing. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it crazy? Very. Was it multitasking ninja warrior status? Most definitely. So I carefully unzipped the bottom of her swaddle blanket,  unbuttoned the bottom of her pajamas, opened up the ten pound diaper (which was luckily just urine), slipped a new diaper under her bum, pulled the old diaper out, did a quick swipe with a wet wipe, strapped the new diaper on, buttoned her pajamas up, and zipped up the bottom of her swaddle blanket - all while continuing to nurse my baby. In the dark. All with one hand. I finished feeding her, and put her back down in her crib - sound asleep. Today is the day. Today is the day I earned that extra awesome job title. I know moms earn that title countless times throughout momhood, but this was my first unnecessary success story.

Signing out, 

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