Sunday, April 19, 2015


WARNING: This blog post contains complaining on the part of Beki. Read no further... she just needed to vent.

My whole life I have heard people talk about Mondays. How Mondays are the worst day of the week. How hard Mondays are. Most of my life, Mondays really haven't been that bad to me. I mean, yah, the weekends go by fast, but for the most part, I have always loved school. I have always loved my job. And usually I kinda looked forward to a new week. Mondays have never been that bad in my mind. (Granted, there have always been hard days... but I wouldn't blame it on Mondays.)

Well, I went back to work last Wednesday for the first time since having Ellie in our lives. And ever since Wednesday began, I longed for the weekend. I wanted so badly for it to be Friday at 4:00. I have never disliked being at work this much.... ever. And to be honest, a Monday has never come so fast. And for the first time in my life, I will truthfully tell you that I hate Mondays.

I love my students. I love my job. Having a teaching job has been such a blessing to our family. It has also brought a lot of joy to me. But I think no matter what I do, it will always be hard being away from my daughter all day. She is my world now. And she is on my mind constantly. I love her.

When I went in to the teaching profession, people always said that being a teacher is the best "mom job." I can definitely see why people say that - you get off work relatively soon after your kids get done with school. You get summers off. Well I just have to say that the one bad thing about having a teaching job is that when your contract hours are up, you aren't done with work. There is always more to do. There is always grading to be done, lessons to be planned. But here is my goal to help me get through the next 6 weeks and to be happy. I am going to work my bootie off and get done with work at 4:00 every day. I am going to leave school... and all my work behind. I am going to come home and cuddle, play with, and love my sweet baby with no distractions. If any of you really know what it's like to be a teacher, you know this is a lofty goal. But I am determined. 

May 29th cannot come soon enough. I can't wait until my only job is taking care of this sweet girl. 

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