Sunday, April 19, 2015

HGTV Inspiration

During the 6 weeks I was on maternity leave, I watched a lot of TV. And I discovered HGTV along the way. It is amazing how my whole perspective has changed in regards to a home that's a "fixer upper." I used to think I wanted to avoid "fixer uppers" like the plague. But now, they actually intrigue me. Everywhere I go, I have ideas of how to make a space better, more open, more practical, more beautiful, etc. Now I just want to knock down walls and redo kitchens and bathrooms.

Anyway, I can't do those things in a rental apartment.

 But, I realized not all hope is lost. I can do little things for now.

For instance, last week I decided I hated Ellie's crib color. It was brown and ugly. And had chew marks on it from a previous tenant. So here is my latest project. Bryce and I took it apart, sanded it down, painted it, and put it back together. I thought it would take a few hours, but it seriously took an entire day. But it was worth it! I didn't want to spend any money... we had a big can of white primer and a little can of really dark gray paint. At first I thought I would paint the crib white with the primer. But then I decided to mix the two together and do a lighter gray instead.

I didn't really take a "before" picture... I forgot to. But here is a picture of Ellie's bedroom before I redid the crib. 

And here is an "after" picture. I love it! I also repainted the frame of the picture above the crib as well. 


  1. Wow, I was Curious as to the show you watch. Is it Property Bro's? Rebekah and I watch that show like every other day on netflix. I'm Like, I want to Demo! Ha funny.
    Well you guys Rock.

  2. I love it! You know if you want to take care of that remodel itch. We have a house full of those demo deals here;). Love seeing all the pictures!
