Sunday, September 28, 2014

17 Weeks and My Thoughts So Far

Well today is my 17 week mark! My little baby is about the size of my open palm...  

(ps. Taking pictures of yourself in the bathroom mirror is more difficult than you may guess. Who knew?)

So far, I LOVE being pregnant. I love feeling like I have something to look forward to in a few months. I love feeling like I might have a greater purpose than just a wife and a teacher (which I do think are important), but a mother also. I love how I look now that I'm pregnant... I can just be chubby and it doesn't really matter. I used to always care if I looked thin, and if I had a flat stomach... it is refreshing not caring and just loving my new belly! I absolutely love feeling my little baby kick around inside of me... it seriously makes me want to cry every time I feel her. (We don't know that it is a "her", but for some reason we have just been calling the baby a girl lately... I guess we just got tired of referring to her as "the baby" or "it"... who knows, we might have to change it to "him" in a couple weeks. :)

Speaking of which, we get to find out the gender at our next appointment in 23 days! I will be just a little over 20 weeks, and WE. CANNOT. WAIT. Holy moly! SO exciting! 

Bryce and I cannot wait to meet our little baby. The excitement, stress, love, and joy we feel towards our child is sometimes overwhelming. Tears are always close to the surface for me, but, rest assured, they are tears of pure happiness. Twenty-three more weeks, little baby. I love you. 

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