Monday, September 8, 2014

Baby Call Coming Soon

Bryce and I have the happiest news to share! We are expecting our first child in the beginning of March. We could not be more thrilled!

For most of my first trimester, I threw up every single day. I had some good days and some miserable days. Personally, I was just happy that I had the summer off work! Now that I am finally in my second trimester, I have been feeling a LOT better. I still get nauseous for part of the day, most days, but not nearly as bad as I used to feel. Hooray! Also... I have gained a bunch of weight already... more that I am supposed to, but that's okay. I am already too chunky for most of my pants. Oh well. Everyone says, "oh you won't start showing until ________ week..." Yah yah. I might not look a whole lot bigger, but I can definitely tell you that I am showing. Even if I am the only who can tell. (Although I know some people can tell)

Anyway. We are so excited to add a new little member to our family. This is something we have wanted for a really long time, and we are happy that the timing is finally right :) We feel so blessed and so excited... Yay! Six more months! Can't wait to be a mom!

Ultrasound at 9.5 weeks:

My phone lock screen: :)

How we announced to our family:

How we announced to Facebook:

Me at 12 weeks:

Me at 14 weeks:

How I announced to Bryce:


  1. Ah beki! This isn't even my love story and I still cried! I'm so happy for you! Just a few questions!
    1) what songs were those?
    2) How in the world did you keep it secret from him? I feel like danny always knows every single step in trying for a baby with me from when i'm ovulating to when my period is due and when i'm taking pregnancy tests… are you guys not so much like that? Cause I could never surprise him, he'd be asking and we'd be testing and checking lol

    1. Megan! Thanks for the post! It always makes me happy when people post on my blog haha. anyway to answer your questions:
      1.) The song in the video was "Rockstar" by A Great Big World. I heard it and thought it would be perfect. :)
      2.) As for the surprise... We had been off birth control for several months, but we weren't "trying".... just letting things happen in the timing we were supposed to. Anyway... so Bryce knew that every month I would be waiting for my period, but I don't think that he realized the exact day where it would be the first day of my missed period. Because I didn't really tell him. Anyway. I tested on the exact day that I was supposed to have my period and I got a positive... I didn't tell Bryce because he was at work... plus I had already taken multiple tests in the past that came out negative and my period was just a little late. So I didn't think it would be a big deal. Anyway. the tests came out positive and I bawled tears of joy for several minutes. Then I looked at the clock and saw that Bryce would be home in about 30 minutes. So I quickly threw together this video :) Anyway. Maybe I couldn't have surprised him if we were really "trying" hard or if he knew when my period was supposed to start, or if he knew I would be testing. The times I tested before that, he knew every time. I guess I just had enough negatives that I didn't feel like he had to know every time. haha.
