Monday, February 25, 2013

Not My Will, But Thine.

Sometimes in life, we want things that Heavenly Father doesn't really have in our plan. Sometimes we get our hopes up for things that won't happen, because Heavenly Father has a different idea for us. I learned that a little better this week.

A couple weeks ago, I was recommended by my principal and one of my college professors for a job as a 4th grade teacher. The job would have been available starting this week, due to a sudden medical retirement. Just so you know, 4th grade is my dream job. I felt like this opening was MADE for me. I had everything going for me. TONS of references, I already knew some of the kids in the class from doing my senior practicum at that school, the interview went great... he even came and observed me and that went well too! Four or five people talked to him in my behalf to basically tell him he should hire me and that I would be the one for the job.

To put it in perspective, I thought I had this job IN THE BAG! I prayed every night that things would work out. That I would receive this job offer. I really did feel good about it. I had a very peaceful feeling like the Lord knew the desires of my heart, and that He would take care of me. It was a LONG week before I would receive the phone call.

My heart was beating so fast when I answered the phone call from the principal that next week.

I was totally prepared for him to say:

"Beki we were so impressed with you! Your interview was great. You did amazing in your observation. We would love to offer you this job! What do you say?"

But the conversation turned out a little more like this:

"Beki we were so impressed with you! Your interview was great. You did amazing in your observation. However we decided to go with a different candidate."


Needless to say, I was bummed. Super bummed. I cried. A lot. I wanted this job so bad.

Anyway. A few days have passed. I have come back to my senses and have realized that the Earth is still revolving and my life hasn't ended. Heavenly Father really is taking care of me. He knows I want to be a teacher SO bad. And I know he will answer that prayer eventually. He has helped me understand that I will get a job in a classroom where the students need me, and I need my students. I need to have more faith in the Lord's will. My time will come. I mean... the fact that I have had 2 mid-year interviews is pretty crazy, and I have plenty of prospects still for the fall.

Here is to being happy! I feel so blessed to have the job that I do... Even though it is only part time, I love my students and I love the people I work with... Win Win, right? I can't wait to see what the next few months bring as far as job interviews and offers go!

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