Sunday, February 15, 2015

Interesting, Uncomfortable, and Strange Dreams

I have had a plethora of vivid dreams lately. Here are a couple quick snippets of some more recent ones:

  • I went to the doctor because I thought my water had broke. They told me my water hadn't broken, and it turns out I just wet my pants. 
  • Baby E was born with no arms and only one leg. She was still cute, though.
  • My feet, hands, and face swelled up so much that I could no longer put on clothing. I had to call my scheduled long term sub and let her know she had to start early because I couldn't put on clothes. 
  • I went to the doctor for a routine check up. He told me that I had been carrying the baby for long enough, and that it was Bryce's turn now. He then scheduled a day and time for the baby to be transferred from me to Bryce. 
  • I had just given birth and the doctors asked if Bryce wanted to cut the umbilical cord. He said no, knowing that it would probably make him pass out. But the doctors forced him to do it, anyway. He then threw up all over Baby E. 
  • I apparently gave birth to a child without recalling it. I was handed a baby that looked EXACTLY like Hailey does in the picture below. (In fact, I now know that the child in this dream really was Hailey several years ago.) I was very confused how I could not recall going in to labor and giving birth, especially when the baby was as big as Hailey in this picture. But everyone told me I was a trooper, and that it only took 3 pushes to get her out. 
Anyway. There are a lot more that I have had, especially in the beginning, but I had them too long ago for me to remember the details. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I have been having weird dreams too!! I had one recently that my baby boy was born with 3 ears. He looked like a fish with gills. It was the weirdest thing. Crazy pregnancy dreams!
