Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2 Months 2 Go

Welp, I have two months left of pregnancy! Thank goodness because 10 months is really too long. (Let's be honest, pregnancy is 10 months. 40 weeks = 10 months.) Anyway, really 10 months is too long just because I want to have this baby girl in my arms. I want to see her sweet face and feel her tiny fingers wrapped around mine. I want to take her home and cry tears of joy for my beautiful family of three. Ugh. I can't wait to be a mom.

I have been so lucky as far as my pregnancy has gone so far. Granted, over the summer, there were times when I felt pretty miserable. But ever since school started at the end of August, it has been pretty smooth sailing. Other than the extreme ligament pain I feel on a daily/nightly basis, life is pretty great. :) Thank goodness for Tylenol. I read on the internet that I should have relief from this "round ligament" thing as soon I have the baby.

I still get the chance to coach soccer every once in a while. I am not an official coach, but I get calls every once in a while from the club coaches when they want my help running practice or bringing in some new ideas or killing the kids at some conditioning drills. I feel kinda funny coaching soccer at 7 months pregnant when I am as big as I am, but it is empowering to me when I do go coach. Other than my slight balance issues, this mamma has still got some skills!

Here is a photo I snapped from my perspective before practice started on Saturday morning. Baby E loves soccer, too. :)

53 days until due date!

1 comment:

  1. Ug. Round ligament pain is painful! I only had it for a couple of days with Hailey but my goodness… the first time it happened I was substitute teaching and actually left early because I just new my appendix had ruptured. I'm sorry it has happened so much for you. Hopefully it eases up soon!
