Monday, December 8, 2014

Third Trimester!

Maybe I am just not very smart, but I keep trying to Google when the 3rd trimester of pregnancy starts.... and I can't seem to figure it out because pretty much every where says something different.

But doesn't it make sense to say that when you have 3 months until the end of your pregnancy, that you are in your third trimester? Well today is December 8th, and since baby girl is due on March 8th, I am officially saying I am in my 3rd trimester :)

Here is an update on pregnancy stuff. Baby E is getting big and I can feel it. Apparently by now, she is 15 inches long and weighs 2 pounds. She loves to do somersaults and sit on my bladder, and she gets hiccups about 10 times a day.  She also likes to play with daddy. Bryce will poke my stomach, and she will kick back. It's so fun. :) 

As far as mom-to-be goes, everything has been great! Other than... my hormones. Everything makes me cry. Happy things. Sad things. Everything. Seeing all of Baby E's cute things she already has. Bryce doing the dishes. Watching the Santa Clause 2. You name it. I will cry. But other than that, life is grand! 

I can't wait for these next 3 months to speed by! This little girl already has our hearts. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought the same thing. The 3rd trimester is an enigma.
