Saturday, November 15, 2014

24 Weeks

I am 24 weeks! 

Not a ton has changed in the last few weeks as far as my pregnancy goes, other than I am bigger now. I guess that's just what happens when you are pregnant. You just keep getting bigger and bigger. Who knew? 

Baby E loves spicy food. At least I say she does because I love to eat spicy food. But then again, I have always loved to eat spicy food. Who knows if it is a pregnancy thing or not. But I could seriously live off of Flamin' Hot Cheetos and food drenched in Sriracha sauce. The other day I went to Taco Bell (I promise I haven't gone nearly as much in the second trimester as I did in the first...) But I went to Taco Bell and ordered one Beefy 5 Layer Burrito - my favorite thing on the menu for the past 5 months of my life. Along with my one beefy 5 layer, I used 7 fire sauce packets. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'll say it is because of the pregnancy, but everyone who knows me well knows that I almost love condiments more than I love food... hopefully the 7 to 1 ratio won't continue after the pregnancy, though. 

 Oh! And I had a funny doctor's appointment yesterday I want to tell you about. I have 4 doctors... 2 men and 2 women, so I don't always see the same one every time. Dr. Allred (one of the men) will be the one to deliver Baby E unless there is an emergency and/or things happen so quickly that he can't get there. But I see the other doctors a lot of the time when I go in for the routine visits. Yesterday I had one of the female doctors. This was part of our conversation we had:

Dr: "How are you doing?"
Me: "I am doing well."
Dr. "How is your baby doing? Have you felt her move?"
Me: (Thinking that is a silly question; of course I have felt her move. She is ALWAYS kicking me) "Yes. Definitely."
Dr.: "Do you feel her pretty regularly, then?"
Me: "Yes. Pretty much all the time."
Dr. "So she is pretty active, you would say?"
Me: "Um, I think so. I don't really have anything to compare to, but I think she is pretty active."

So we had that conversation. And then she took out her little ultrasound doppler tool thingy and tried to listen for her heart beat. She started the ultrasound right in the lower middle of my belly, and picked up the heart beat right away. However, she could only listen for a couple seconds, because Baby E had moved. So for the next several minutes, my doctor "chased" Baby E ALL over my belly. 
From the lower middle 
to the far right
to the upper middle
back down to the lower middle
to the far left
to the lower far left
Every time she picked up a heart beat, Baby E would decide to move somewhere else. Finally my doctor pretty much pinned her down, got the heart beat, and said, "Yes. You are right. You definitely have a very active little girl in there!" We then had a good laugh together about how crazy active Baby E was. It was fun :) 

Anyway, here is a picture from today. Not the best picture, but yah! Getting bigger! 

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