Saturday, December 13, 2014

Introducing the Mistletoes!

Okay. Sometimes when you are working with kids, you experience delightfully hilarious moments that you just wish, more than anything, that you had your video camera out. Here was one experience yesterday. It won't be as funny to any of you, because you weren't there, but I want to remember it. :)

*Names have been changed for student privacy.*

Jake: Hey Mrs. Call. So me and Cole and Rachel and Jessica just barely formed a new singing group. We are called the Mistletoes. We are hoping, with your permission, that we can sing to the class at the end of the day. So can we?

Me: (with a little bit of snickering in my response)..... Uhm, sure... what will you be singing?

Jake: We will start out with "Over the River and Through the Woods." And since it is Dan's birthday, we will then have a special arrangement of "Happy Birthday," followed by a Louis Armstrong style solo done by Cole.

*He was completely serious.*

Me: Haha. Okay. I can't wait. How long have you been practicing together?

Jake: Well we haven't, yet. But we will practice at recess.

Me: Awesome. This will be so great.

I waited in anticipation for the rest of the day to see what they came up with. When the time came (the last 5 minutes of class) for them to sing, they had it all set up. They had 2 girls in the class be the MC's, and they were so hilarious. They used whiteboard markers as microphones, and they were complete naturals. They even provided entertainment for when the Mistletoes needed a few seconds to regroup with each other.

As for the Mistletoes, they were incredible. They even got a standing ovation from the class when they finished. The Louis Armstrong style "Happy Birthday" solo was a showstopper.

The whole experience was priceless. Why the heck did I not get out my cell phone and video it????

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should ask the Mistletoes for a repeat performance on Monday and record it for everyone! Or incorporate a Christmas talent show into your class sometime next week :-)
