Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Maura Software Update

So some BIG things have happened recently with Bryce's business. I can't really go in to all the details because some things are still in progress... but its big. Basically Maura Software is partnering with a pretty big marketing company in the Rexburg/Idaho Falls area. I won't say the name of the business right now just to keep the suspense in the air until things are finalized.  But Bryce is moving our business out of our apartment and moving into a new office space tomorrow because their partnering business has offered them a place for free until they actually start making consistent money. Basically, the business they are partnering with has a bunch of clients who need mobile apps developed for them, which is what Maura Software does. Pretty cool. I have never really seen my husband so excited, so that's pretty awesome.

Bryce's feelings: Excited and thrilled

My feelings: Excited and nervous

Bryce would love to have a company of his own. He finds it much more fulfilling than any other option. If he could get Maura Software to a point that it could support our family, he would probably do that over HP. He has really enjoyed working for HP and will continue to do so, and definitely still plans on working for them after he graduates. He just isn't 100% sure he wants to work on printers for the rest of his career. Bryce says that in 10 years, he hopes to have a super successful business of his own, or go work for Google, or maybe HP labs. We will see what happens 10 years from now. But for now, I am happy for my husband. Whether this is short term or long term, it is good to see him follow his dreams.

Disclaimer: Even though it makes me nervous, I will definitely support Bryce in his career endeavors. I have definitely put in my two cents in regards to wanting him to have a steady, stable job, whatever it is. And he knows my concerns. But ultimately, I know everything is going to work out just as it should. If nothing else, Maura software has given Bryce a TON of incredible experience as a software developer, which will be important in whatever company he ends up working for. Any company would be lucky to have Bryce as an employee... and Maura Software is obviously lucky to have Bryce as the Founder/CEO/Head Honcho Developer :)

Oh and in the meantime, I am excited to have our two extra rooms back (which were being used as office space for Bryce and all his co-workers). I am excited to have a storage room and now I can even start to get Baby E's room ready for her! Yay!


  1. Wow, awesome! Way to go Bryce. Can't wait to hear the rest of the details!

  2. I looks like you are dancing in the rain of blessings! Love to hear all the new exciting things happening for your family. Can't wait to hear more! Love you guys!
