Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mid 20's?

Well I clearly have been terrible at blogging.

It has been over a month.


Anyway. Just to catch up, my 24th birthday was amazing! Does that mean I am in my mid 20's?

We celebrated with our friends the weekend before by eating pizza and cake and playing laser tag and mini golf!
Here is Cameron, Alyssa, and Maura

And Stephen and Blythe

And Bryce and Me! 

And my awesome cake that Blythe made me :)

My actual birthday was pretty much the best birthday ever. My hubby spoiled me and got me some new dishes and a bike rack for the Subaru. Both things I really wanted!

To celebrate on that day, we went out to dinner with the Lilly's. (Cameron, Alyssa, and Maura.)

Earlier in the day, though, is what really was the highlight of my birthday. Of course I started the day off with a birthday selfie...

During homeroom, I got called down to the office. There was a plate of cookies there for me. I hurried back to my class because I had left my students unattended.... oops. Anyway, when I came back, all the lights were off, and when I entered my classroom, I was greeted with a SURPRISE birthday party!!! I was SOOO surprised and so touched that I immediately shed a few tears. How embarrassing. But it was a blast! There was cake and cookies and ice cream and soda and presents and banners and cards... The whole shebang! It was so fun and SO sweet!

I will NEVER forget this birthday. It was amazing. Here is to being 24!

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