Friday, January 24, 2014

During My Prep Hour...

So, I am sitting in my classroom right now during my prep hour. I have all my mid terms graded, pre and post tests are analyzed and graphed, next weeks classes are already planned, the desks have been rearranged for a new semester, and I am feeling good!

I just wanted to take a minute to describe to you how teaching so far this year has been for me. Everyone always says, "Oh the first year of teaching is SOOOO tough," and "Just get through the first few years. Then you will enjoy teaching," and "During the first year, you won't have time for anything but school." Contrary to these statements, I have had a very different experience. A much more positive experience, I think.

When I first got my job, I was so excited. REALLY excited. But, to be honest, part of me was a little bit disappointed that I would have to:

  1. Teach in a middle school 
  2. Only teach a couple subjects 
  3. Have a super weird rotating schedule
But, strangely enough, guess what some of my favorite parts of having this job has been?

  1. Teaching in a middle school: I LOVE teaching 6th grade... and I LOVE middle school! 
  2. Only teaching a couple subjects: It is nice to be able to put all my focus on just 3 subjects. (Math, Science, and PE) 
  3. Having a super weird rotating schedule: On the first day of school, we did a regular schedule: 1st-7th period. The next day we start with 2nd period, and 1st period is at the end of the day. Then the next day starts on 3rd period and so on and so forth. It is just a continuous rotation, hence, a "rotating schedule." At first, I thought this would be confusing and hard to get used to. But I love it because then I get the students at all different times of day... (ie. instead of always right after lunch where they want to take a nap.) Also, I think it is good for the kids because usually the second time I teach the math or science lesson each day, it is smoother and better... I am glad that I don't have one class that always gets the rockier lesson! 
Other things I love:

  1. Prep Period: I LOVE TO TEACH... but it is SO nice to have an hour a day that I can just sit, plan, prepare, grade, and relax. 
  2. Coaching Soccer: This was a HUGE plus of getting this job in Ashton. The middle school and the high school are combined, so I was able to have the opportunity to be an assistant girls varsity soccer coach.(Not that I couldn't be a coach without teaching... it's just nice to be able to coach at a school where I work...) Also, the exciting news is that I applied, interviewed, and got the head coaching position for next year's girls varsity soccer team! 
Anyway. I love my job. I love literally everything about it. I have had an great first year so far. I feel so lucky and so blessed! Here is to the 2nd semester of my 1st year of teaching! 

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