Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bryce's Birthday Weekend!

I love my husband. And I love that he was born about 24 years ago so that we could meet, be best friends, fall in love, and get married! I wanted to do something fun for Bryce's birthday this year.... but there was one problem. On the day of his birthday, I had a soccer banquet I had to attend.... (Guess who is going to be the head girls soccer coach next year?!?) so talk about a lame birthday. Then we couldn't celebrate the next day because of parent teacher conferences... So I wanted to do something really fun to make up for the fact that his actual birthday was pretty lame. So we celebrated on the weekend, instead. I reserved a yurt up at Badger Creek for Friday night. It was such a blast! Just the two of us went up since none of our friends could go.... but it was an incredibly fun getaway for just the two of us.

Here is a picture of the Yurt we stayed in! 

We were so excited! 

We roasted hotdogs over the fire in the stove for dinner and had some yummy hot chocolate for dessert.  

Then we watched a movie on the projector before falling asleep for the night. 

We had bagels and hot chocolate for breakfast...

And then we went for a walk outside to check out the view.

On our walk, we made snow angels... 

And we ended up having a snowball fight! 

I love being married to my best friend! 

 We eventually made our way back to Rexburg where we met up with our good friends Cameron and Alyssa for dinner at Costa Vida. 

All in all, we had a ton of fun this weekend. Happy birthday, Bryce! 
I love you!

1 comment:

  1. how fun! you two always look SO happy together :)

