Sunday, August 17, 2014

Over 2 Months Later....

Well I just realized that I have not posted anything since June 9th. That was when we put all our stuff in storage and moved down to Boise for the summer.

A lot has happened since then.

A lot of fun, exciting stuff.

But I pretty much have zero pictures. From anything.

So I am going to make a quick list of all the fun, cool things Bryce and I got to do this summer! Some of these things might eventually get their own blogpost... once I find the energy....

  1. The triplets were baptized. Bryce and I went over to Pendleton, Oregon to celebrate this fun time with the Walker family. We are so proud of you, Makenzie, Rachel, and Taybree!
  2. Mandi and TJ and their family moved to Boise! Everyone was so excited to have the Harris family back in B-Town. Now I can say all my immediate family lives in the Treasure Valley again! (Well.... everyone except for Bryce and me.)
  3. We had a Nye Family Reunion! (For one day, but it was a super awesome, great day.) Our family reunion included: swimming, bowling, zoo-going, and great food with a fun family! For now, go here for more details. Thanks Kim. :)
  4. We had a Call Family Reunion! Our family reunion included: camping, boating, Lagooning, and great food with a fun family! 
  5. Greg and Kelleen got married! It was a beautiful wedding up at a historic barn in Donnelly, ID. We are so happy for them! 
  6. We moved in to our new, huge, beautiful apartment. We saved up some money and decided to splurge for the last year of Bryce's college career. I feel like I'm on vacation every day, really. 
  7. I have started teacher meetings and have begun setting up my classroom! 

So there are a couple other cool things, but they will get their own blog posts when I get around to it. Sorry this post was lame. All of these things were super exciting and really need their own post! Let's see if I can get the time and energy to get some posts done. If not, from here on out, I am back on my regular blogging schedule. :) 

Here are some random pictures I did take over the summer.... None of these have to do with anything I posted about... 
 Rock Climbing:


Fourth of July:

 The dresser I refinished:

And a sneak peak into my "off to great places/rock climbing" themed classroom. 

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